Apr 6, 2014

Windows XP ... adio !

 "Bliss" este o fotografie reala facuta clasic pe film si fara trucruri digitale !

Artistul fotograf este Charles O Rear.

Windows XP’s refugees have two choices on April 8, when Microsoft stops supporting the decade-old operating system (for consumers, anyway). This is assuming a new PC with a new operating system (even Windows 7) is, for whatever reason, out of the question. They could cling desperately to their old Windows XP system and face what could be a hacker feeding frenzy, something we don’t recommend even if you take precautions. Or they could keep the old PC but install a new, free, and safe operating system— PCWorld.com

Probleme majore pot avea cei care acceseaza internetu' in mod direct fara router/firewall separat... solutia este instalarea unui firewall de ultima generatie si update la broswer. Cei interesati ma pot gasi in Deva (0722 890420)
O alta solutie radicala este migrarea la sistemul Linux ( recomand Ubuntu /Lubuntu) este super ok pentru cei care doresc in special office/internet ... si mai greu pentru gameri / proiectare cu AutoCAD (totusi se poate rula cu emulatorul "wine" un CAD2D facut de francezi care deschide 2010.dwg si este freeware :-) )