Dec 30, 2015

233YO247 - Petre, Videle, RO

Cu indicativul 233YO247 este activ in CB11m colegul nostru Petre din Videle, caruia ii dorim succes si propagare la DX ... 73's !

233YO010 - Silviu,

Dec 17, 2015


Acesta-i probabil ultimul post caci bugetul nu arta bine si primul lucru sacrificat este conexiunea la internet ... n-am ce-i face, asta e ! Mai ramine FaceBook cind dau de vre-un WiFi la liber. Ne auzim pe statie CH20 AM/FM/SSB si .555usb. Toate cele bune 73's ! QRT.

Dec 6, 2015

RTX : 26PB010 - Rich ; 68LV101 - Fred, Belfast, 4 elem Yagi /200w ;

Dec 1, 2015

41YO533 - Jimy, New Zealand

Dear friends,

I'm glad to announce you that we have a new call sign YO and this station is located in New Zealand (div.41), so Mr. Jimy is for us 41YO553, QSL from him is 100% sure :-) 
Good luck on DX boys and welcome Mr. Jimy !