Jun 13, 2013

14PA42 - Henry, 06:15utc/.530usb ; 1SD224 - Albeto, Genova, 06:26/.550usb ; 26DX044 - Terry, 06:53utc/.597usb; 1MN3469 - Aurelio, N Italy, 07:41utc/.535 ;109HA ? RX only at 10:36utc/.595usb ; 13AT018 - Martin, 13:05utc/.530lsb, 5el Yagi at10m high, FT450 ; 13DK1140 - Mike, RX only, he use an old US Navy radio ...? 120w/vertical 5/8L Sirio ; 50MK01 - ... RX only on .555usb at 13:13utc (a station give me 5/5 in Moscow and congratulation me .. but maybe was only a joke :-) ) ; 34TRC000 - Eric, my progressive number is 160, and the OSL manager is 161TRC104 - Martin, 14:45utc/.595usb, I get  a nice 5/7 in Canary Islands (Eliero); 3SD194 - RX only, .555, .610, 16:21utc ; 13CT2821 - Kil, 18:05utc on the ch 20FM and QSY to ch 28FM ;