RTX : 187SD283 - Jason, Nairobi, Kenya, .580usb/13:18cfr, rs 5/5 ;
YO233BSD, 233YO10, 233LR010, 233MW010, 233MEX010, 233CS010, 233KB010, 233TS010, 233OT010, 233UT010
Sep 26, 2023
Sep 25, 2023
RTX [Avanti Grande, 20w, dipol] : 102EK011 - Dashti, 540usb/14:50cfr, I get 5/7 ; 30ET099 - Manuel, provincia Leon, 17:10cfr/555.
RX only : 5RC001 on .590usb ;
Sep 23, 2023
RTX : 30RC571 - Michel, Galicia, 590/11:47cfr ; 30VDX01 - Jose, Valencia, 655usb/12:10, TS870, 70w, Qubical Quad 1 elem ; 29ID001 - Martin, 510/13:55 ; 30CI101 - Miquel, 575/13:59 ;
Sep 22, 2023
Log 233LR010
RTX : 30ET099 - Manuel, provincia Leon, 555/11:05 ; 30AT210 ; 31YZ529 ; 30CRE01 - Paco, 570/11:18, TS850, Sirio ; 30RC571 ; 31 HMS - Umberto, 615/11:38 ; 3SD256 - Castilio, .510usb/11:56, RS 5/7 ; 19AT105 - Klaas, .585/12:19 ; 30/13LR076 - Roger, .530/12:32 ; 30LS001 - Carlos, .565/12:45 cfr, Leon, President George 2, 100w, Imax 2000 ; 29TW101 - James, Cork, 595/13:15 cfr, TS940S, 120w, Imax ; 29SD010 - David, FT1000MP, YQuad antenna ; 1SA/HB38 - Francesco, Sicilia, 575/13:34cfr ; 29ID001 - Martin, Cork, 510/13:46cfr, IC706MK2, 50W, A99 ; 108LR011 - Donie, .530/14:25cfr ; 13AT016 - Mike, Frankfurt am Main, qso with 177LR010, .510/14:40, 200w and Qubical Quad 2 elem. ; 29IP201 - David, .470/14:48cfr, I get an 5/9+20 from him :-) ; 19AT/EU038 - .495/14:56cfr ; 31UK/0 - 570/15:13 ;
Sep 17, 2023
Sep 16, 2023
RTX : 19AT256 - Twan, .570usb/11:37cfr, FTDX 3000, 4 elem DeltaLoop at H= 11m over the ground ; 187SD/0 - Kenya, la 12:37cfr/.595 ;
RX : 187SD/0 - lucra pe 595 dar e bataie mare pe el si propagare slabuta pt mine. Nici el nu dadea cotroale prea tari...5/3 si rar un 5/5. π
Am stat si am luptat ! La ora 12:37 cfr am trecut prin QRM si am luat un 5/5 din Kenya π
2TB131 -...Rhode Island, .560/15:15cfr ;