Jul 16, 2015

CB radio "Conrad C3000"

Se pare ca este o varianta de Alan 54E ... eu n-am mik la ea, dar o sa incerc un echivalent dupa datele de mai sus.
Statia are 1uV RX si promite o selctivitate buna caci are doua filtre ceramice pe prima schimbare de frecv.

Jul 14, 2015

PC ACER Aspire E15 & Linux

Pentru instalare trebuie intrat in Bios (F2) la meniul de Boot si schimbat primul device ...CD sau mai bine USB :-)
In rest n-au fost probleme deosebite ... in cca. 15 min s-a instalat perfect Ubuntu.
Pe Win 7 sunt probleme incurcate cu driverele... practic cere Win 8 :-( yeahh no !

Jul 13, 2015

18VOG001 Jim writes:
Today , 9/7/2015 I decided the following:
The VICTOR OSCAR GOLF DX GROUP is present on the 11mt band just to promote this nice hobby on the 11mt band community , we are not for business but only for hobby!
For that reason I decided that from today 9/7/2015 all the radio activities to be without any contribution (NEGATIVE CONTRIBUTION) , I repeat for everything!
NEGATIVE CONTRIBUTION for DX-expeditions , I.O.T.A activations , S.E.S (Special Event Stations) etc.So please do not post again any contribution (not 1 US $ , not 1 Euro , not 1 IRC) Just only S.A.E (Self Addressed Envelope) is enough!
This is my personal decission as a Founder and QSL Manager of the VICTOR OSCAR GOLF DX GROUP.
REMEMBER: All the VOG radio activities will be: "NEGATIVE CONTRIBUTION"
VOG Official Website: www.vogdxgroup.com
Friendly ,
18VOG001 Jim "Founder of the VICTOR OSCAR GOLF DX GROUP"
RTX : 233YO380/Static Mobil (Tirsa) (40w) ; 233YO073 ; "Rino" ; "Probi" / Mobil (Simeria Veche) CRT micro CB (10w) ;

Jul 11, 2015

RTX : 1SA440 ; 1KPI007 - Salvatore, Lecce, Galatone, 13:35cfr/.535usb, TS570D / 100w, Mantova 5 ; Gino / Torino ; 15DX/YZ - Patrique, 13:50cfr/.525usb ;

Jul 10, 2015

Zetagi B300P

Are finalii de tipul MRF 455 (=2buc)

Atentie la SWR si puterea de atac !
Maxim 5w in AM/FM

 KL203 suporta dublu la atac
10w AM/FM si 20w/SSB

Schema electrica.

Jul 8, 2015

RTX : 13GM - Stuttgart, CH20FM ; "Tango" - Antonio, Novara, Italy ; Mario & Piero, Roma, CH39usb ; 1KR940 - Pablo, 19:20cfr/.595usb, FT857, Mantova 5 ; 21LR101 - Tom, 21:30cfr/.575usb, FT-1000MP, 300w ;
This is indoor temperature today in my room, not too bad I say :-) because outdor is 100F.

Jul 5, 2015

1RGK401 - Antonio, e-QSL

RTX[Avanti Grande, KL203, dipol, Zetagi F27] : 1LB001 - Luigi, SE Italy, 18:24cfr/.625usb ; Pasquale / Sud Italy ; 1RGK401 - Antonio, Bari, 18:50cfr/.555usb, Galaxy Saturn, 400w, Yagi 4elem ; 1GIR001 - Tino, Catania, 18:58cfr/.565usb ;1AT354 - Andrea, 19:45cfr/.565/.575usb, Kenwood 450, ant. EH  only 40cm long ! :-); 18MT001 - 20:17cfr/.575usb ;

Jul 4, 2015

Danita 1240AM

CB radio Danita 1240AM  are legaturile la mik-ul dinamic asa :

Pin 1 = GND (tresa) ;
Pin 2 = verde/green (AF) ;
Pin3 = rosu/red (TX) ;
Pin 4 = negru/black (RX)