Cu indicativul 233 YO 700 o sa-l auziti, poate mai bine zis o sa-l vedeti in SSTV :-), pe colegul nostru Ionut din Piatra Neamt, iar daca vreti sa-i trimiteti si-un QSL clasic datele lui de contact le gasiti in CallBook-ul nostru.
73's !
YO233BSD, 233YO10, 233LR010, 233MW010, 233MEX010, 233CS010, 233KB010, 233TS010, 233OT010, 233UT010
May 30, 2014
May 25, 2014
May 23, 2014
RTX (Avanti Grande, Dipole, Zetagi MM27, 233BSD) : 1RGK502 - Pepe, Palermo, Sicily 18:53cfr/.535usb ; 13DN111 - Ralf, Frankfurt am Main, Germany .535usb ; 16AB - Robert (vorbeste romaneste binisor ..) ; 21FB05 - ... 19:12cfr/.445usb ;19RF - DX / 022 - Danny, 039 - Erwin. .560us ; 47RE108 - Sten, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19:23cfr/.585usb ;15AM101/M - Dieter, Zurich, Swiss, 19:42cfr/.560, Transceiver : ALBRECHT 201 :-) 25w, Wilson ant. ;
May 22, 2014
RTX(Avanti Grande, Dipole, Zetagi MM27) : 1KL063 - Marco, Ancona, Italy, 07:07pm.cfr/.635usb, K-PO DX5000, 30w, vert. 5/8 Sigma ; 1KP - Enzo, Ancona ; 1WD167 - Danielle ; 1LR059 - Rosario, Palermo, Italy, 07:23pm.cfr/.630usb ; FT1000MP, 100w, 3 elem. Delta Loop ;1LV005 - Giovani, ROMA, 07:41pm.cfr/.650lsb, Alinco DX ; 18RC113 - Dimitri, Greece, Athena, 07:54pm.cfr/.545usb ;
May 18, 2014
May 17, 2014
RTX[Avanti Grande, dipole, Zetagi MM27, 233BSD] : 14RP609 - Roger,11:04cfr/.575usb, FT950, 100w, Vert. Mantova at 5m ; 13AT351 - Oliver, 11:20cfr/.580usb, Yaesu FT1000MP, 1200W, 4 elem Delta Loop ;1SD08/Portabile - Daniele, Nord Italia, Genova, 11:29cfr/.480usb, TS2000, Vertical, generator 2KW, doua surse in comutatie una de 55A pt power amp... ; 1RK069 ... nu vorbeste cu 233, 161, East Europe in general ... e optiunea lui electorala :-) ;11:49cfr/.525usb, "Il Galadiatore" ; 1CGUZ - Andrea, Como, 12:00cfr/.560usb ; 1RB ;1AT365 - Leonardo, Brescia, 12:11cfr/.560usb, Icom 738, 70w, 4 elem ; 1CMP001 - Miguel, Monte Casino,(.545usb, monitor) ; 1AT463 - Giuliano, Kenwood 440, Mantova1 ; 1/233SP270 - Tomi, Nord Italia / Baia Mare, 12:26cfr/.580usb, Boomerang ant. pe balcon ;1GIR205 - Ivano, Italy, Como, 12:35cfr/.575usb ; 1AT535 - ... 12:37cfr/.575usb ; 1AC090 - Andrea, N Italy, 12:45cfr/.500usb, TS680S, 5/8 50w ; 1OD114 - Massimo, Italy, Padova,12:50cfr/.500lsb, TS440, dipole cu simetrizor 1:1, 6m , 100w ;1K2 - Philippo, N Italy, 13:12cfr/.545usb ; 13IR100 -Stefan, Potsdam, Germany, 13:25cfr/.560usb, President Lincon with 100w, Yagi 2 elem at 5m ; 13HA556/Portable - Gheza, 13:41cfr/.560usb ; 15YZ - Patrik, Geneva, Swiss, 13:56cfr/.560usb ;1LR081 - Roberto, Italy, 14:20cfr/.540usb ; 1DX/LOM008 ...14:25cfr/.545usb ; 1TCO89 - Bruno, Italy, Macerata, 14:40cfr/.490usb, TS940, 6 elem. at 11m ; 1GIR012 - Massimo ; 16TT117 - Tim, Belgium, Brussels, 15:50cfr/.460usb ;13RS176/Mobil - ..15:55cfr/.535usb ; 13CT009 - Peter, Dusseldorf Germany, 16:05cfr/.565usb ;13LO - Herr Walter, .535usb ; 13SD591 - Udo, NW Germany, 16:15cfr/..535usb, President George, 3elem. Yagi ;
RX : 21FB05 ; 150RC0 ... 15:15cfr/.560usb ; 26CT331/Mobil ... on .555 ;26AT030 ; 21FB005 ;
RX : 21FB05 ; 150RC0 ... 15:15cfr/.560usb ; 26CT331/Mobil ... on .555 ;26AT030 ; 21FB005 ;
May 11, 2014
RTX (Avanti grande, Dipole, Zetagi MM27, P27M, 233BSD) : 14PC001 ; 13SD101 ... FT950, 1 elm Delta Loop 500w ; 13OD088 ;
Vroiam sa dau stingerea ... si cind colo propagare buna noaptea :-) 13DN111 - Ralf, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 22:09cfr/.560usb ; 1DP081 - Paulo, Nord Italia, President Lincon 100w, vert.5/8 ; 1GIR068 ; 13DB Stuttgart, Germany ; 14GT061 - ... 22:36cfr/.495usb ;14SD014/Mobil - Jean C lode, 22:45cfr/.590usb ;
RX : 3SD313 ; 21FB05 ;14UE027 ; 30AT416 ;
Vroiam sa dau stingerea ... si cind colo propagare buna noaptea :-) 13DN111 - Ralf, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 22:09cfr/.560usb ; 1DP081 - Paulo, Nord Italia, President Lincon 100w, vert.5/8 ; 1GIR068 ; 13DB Stuttgart, Germany ; 14GT061 - ... 22:36cfr/.495usb ;14SD014/Mobil - Jean C lode, 22:45cfr/.590usb ;
RX : 3SD313 ; 21FB05 ;14UE027 ; 30AT416 ;
World 11m Contest SA 2014
World Eleven Contest Sierra Alfa 2014
The event is sponsored and designed by SIERRA ALFA.
Is open to all Italia and foreign stations of any groups
(Including individual operators) from around the world
(Including group and Association)Registration:
Not necessary, those who wish to participate will simply have to
participate in this new proposal 11M, contributing to the enjoyment of
all radio lovers.
The Contest will take place during two weekends in the following ways:
10/11 May and 12/13 July.
The activity must take place on the band of 11 meters and only voice.
Participants are invited to follow the laws in force in their own
Country as regards the use of its equipment and the use of frequencies.
No responsibility, therefore, may be leaning to the organizers about the
misuse of equipment or for the behavior of participants.
The Contest will take place in the voice band of 11 meters in the
USB-SSB. Calls must be made to 555 by communicating only the new operating
frequency (QSY)
The Call will call ': Station Name / or single operator .... + Eleven
Contest 2014.
Example: 1SA002/Eleven Contest 2014 CQ CQ... ..
You can contact all the operators of all groups, all country, but the
score assigned to the connection will vary as per the attached table.
Each station can connect only once a day all the more for a total
of 4 progressive (Valid for all)
Participants, and Scoring Category:
Stations of the same country: 02 points.
More Country stations except their own: 05 points.
These scores are valid for all operators (including operators of other
groups can connect with each other)
BONUS: 10 Bonus Points connecting 05 different Country
Each Country will add an additional bonus of 2 points.
(Eg 1SA002 connecting 05 Country - BONUS POINTS 10)
(Eg 1SA002 connecting 06 Country - BONUS POINTS 12)
(Eg 1SA002 connecting 07 Country - BONUS POINTS 14)
Participants will need to be ranked connect at least ten (10) stations.
Log with less than 10 contacts will not be taken into view. Must call
for the exchange cards for those who participate in giving you a
gradual, but does not send a log as contact with a station heard /
contacted but does not participate in the Contest) The exchange of QSL
and 'paper only (no QSLs via the Internet, mail or other)
NB: For all others who participate and 'valid log.
Score Calculation and Awards:
There are 2 distinct classifications:
Score to a single operator:
Addition of the score link and possible
Prize winners:
The event is sponsored and designed by SIERRA ALFA.
Is open to all Italia and foreign stations of any groups
(Including individual operators) from around the world
(Including group and Association)Registration:
Not necessary, those who wish to participate will simply have to
participate in this new proposal 11M, contributing to the enjoyment of
all radio lovers.
The Contest will take place during two weekends in the following ways:
10/11 May and 12/13 July.
The activity must take place on the band of 11 meters and only voice.
Participants are invited to follow the laws in force in their own
Country as regards the use of its equipment and the use of frequencies.
No responsibility, therefore, may be leaning to the organizers about the
misuse of equipment or for the behavior of participants.
The Contest will take place in the voice band of 11 meters in the
USB-SSB. Calls must be made to 555 by communicating only the new operating
frequency (QSY)
The Call will call ': Station Name / or single operator .... + Eleven
Contest 2014.
Example: 1SA002/Eleven Contest 2014 CQ CQ... ..
You can contact all the operators of all groups, all country, but the
score assigned to the connection will vary as per the attached table.
Each station can connect only once a day all the more for a total
of 4 progressive (Valid for all)
Participants, and Scoring Category:
Stations of the same country: 02 points.
More Country stations except their own: 05 points.
These scores are valid for all operators (including operators of other
groups can connect with each other)
BONUS: 10 Bonus Points connecting 05 different Country
Each Country will add an additional bonus of 2 points.
(Eg 1SA002 connecting 05 Country - BONUS POINTS 10)
(Eg 1SA002 connecting 06 Country - BONUS POINTS 12)
(Eg 1SA002 connecting 07 Country - BONUS POINTS 14)
Participants will need to be ranked connect at least ten (10) stations.
Log with less than 10 contacts will not be taken into view. Must call
for the exchange cards for those who participate in giving you a
gradual, but does not send a log as contact with a station heard /
contacted but does not participate in the Contest) The exchange of QSL
and 'paper only (no QSLs via the Internet, mail or other)
NB: For all others who participate and 'valid log.
Score Calculation and Awards:
There are 2 distinct classifications:
Score to a single operator:
Addition of the score link and possible
Prize winners:
1 ° - 2 ° - 3 ° only of the Group SIERRA ALFA (classification valid
for assigning and updating the TOP SIERRA ALFA (best ski contest
ranking since 2014 to 2019 )Prize winners:
1 ° - 2 ° of the general classification (includes operators
SA/ and other groups or individual operators)
The first prize in the general classification will be "special", just
in case a component is not won by the Italian prize will be replaced
with plate/bowl, or of equal value, the second and third plate or cup.QSL Manager:
All contacts should be logged and sent to:
1SA004 Luis PO BOX 3 - Ufficio Postale di Bardolino - 37011 Bardolino
(Verona) - Italy or preferably by e-mail:
Log of the various cross-checks will be done, any points are not
allocated directly motivated by the Contest Manager. His opinion will be
final. All logs must be received no later than the date: August 31, 2014.
Please note that the log will have to be an address or email address
operator (so that it is more easy to contact in case of VICTORY!)
May 8, 2014
Setarile "ascunse" din Firefox
Setarile obisnuite in browserul Firefox sunt in : Tools > Options ... dar nu despre ele e vorba.
Este un meniu pentru "avansati" in care daca nu va pricepeti un pic ... atunci mai bine nu umblati.
Firefox ca sa ruleze bine pe un OldPC sub Windows XP cu numai 512MB RAM ... trebuie un pic aranjat pt performanta, si se intra asa : type in : about:config
o sa va apara un avertisment .. ok si apare a doua fereastra in care se modifica setarile pentru :
1. Speed Up like this :
network.http.pipelining --> true ;
network.http.proxy.pipelining --> true ;
netowrk.http.pipelining. maxrequests --> 8 ;
network.http.max-connections --> 96 ;
network.http.max-connections-per-server --> 32 ;
2. Graphics Rendering :
right-click anywhere in the window the about:config and chose : New>Integer ; then type the name :
nglayout.initialpaint.delay and click OK, then give 0 (zero) and OK ;
3 Limit the use of RAM :
find this set
for 512MB...1GB set 15,000
for 2GB....4 GB set 35,000
Restart now the Firefox browser and see the difference ...
Atentie la sigurante !
In foto de mai sus se vede un simplu redresor de incarcare baterii ... nimic deosebit decit ca scrie clar pe fata lui 6A / 12V si daca ne uitam la sectiunea miezului (Fe si Cu) cam aia si este, dar greseala fatala a facut-o cineva care a pus pe secundar o siguranta de 30A ! Au luat foc cablurile s-a ars si primaru' trafului ... dar siguranta care trebuia sa "puste" din prima ... e bine mersi ! :-)
May 5, 2014
Lyon, France
Dupa ce-am vazut filmul asta cred sincer ca laudam prea mult bucataria romaneasca ... nu e rea, dar mai avem multe de invatat de la francezi.
Download magnet
May 4, 2014
RTX (Avanti Grande, Dipole, Zetagi MM27, 233LR010) : 90SD103 - Mr. Aris, ins. Creta, city Chania , 12:15cfr/.410usb, Icom 725 /100w, A99 at 4m high, QSL manager : Puerto Rico SD QSL Bureau ;18SD105 - Mr. Teo, Athena, Greece, 12:32cfr/.470usb, Icom 718 / QRP 5watt, 3elem Yagi ; 1OD2710 - Lorenzo, Italy, N Roma 60km, Tarno, 12:45cfr/.565usb, TS2000 / A99 ;1MRM/EU028/GR002 - Maria, 13:10cfr/.490 ;1RC100 - Carmelo, Sicily, Siracusa, Italy, 14:40cfr/.610usb ;1FAT101 - Sergio, CQ Contest, Palermo, Sicily, 15:15cfr/.610usb ;16RC... Mr Leo, 17:45cfr/.635usb ; Christophe - Sud France, 17:54cfr/.560usb ; 1LR001 - Dino, 18:02cfr/.565usb ; 165OM05 - Fabio, ins. Sardinia, Italy, 18:05/.565usb, Delta Force - Dragon, ant. vertical ;1SD227 - Gian Carlo, Milano, Italy, 18:30cfr/.495usb ;
1LR164 - Paulo, Milano ; Maximo ; 1SD136 - Lucas, 19:30cfr/.680usb ; 1VC149 - Ricardo, Verona, 19:40/.680usb ;
RX : Sardinia : 65OM058 ; 165ET... ; 165CM105 ;
1LR164 - Paulo, Milano ; Maximo ; 1SD136 - Lucas, 19:30cfr/.680usb ; 1VC149 - Ricardo, Verona, 19:40/.680usb ;
RX : Sardinia : 65OM058 ; 165ET... ; 165CM105 ;
Jocul de carti "66" in varianta Austria este destul de raspindit la noi in Ardeal ... este printre putinele jocuri de PC pe care-l tin instalat (pe Linux cu emulatorul Wine varianta asta de la Thanos nu merge dar mai este unul german care ruleaza ) alturi de un joc de sah. Este frumos realizat, dinamic, si spre deosebire de sah ai o sansa sa invingi PC-ul ! :-) La sah cu programele moderne nu mai nici o sansa ... la 66 norocul isi spune cuvintul si daca joci corect / prudent atunci poti cistiga.
Download here
May 3, 2014
RTX (Avanti Grande, Dipole, Zetagi MM27, 233BSD) : 31PTZ88 ... 18:10cfr/.555usb, with his beam pointed to USA .. but I get a nice 5/9 :-) ; 30ET377 ... 18:25cfr/.555usb ; 34SD117 - Johny, 19:10cfr/.970usb ;30ET99 ... 19:25cfr/.565usb ;
RX : 173SD101 - David, 18:42cfr/.555, 577 usb ; 3SD017 ; 2FB194 Washington DC ; 31AB777 ; 31TX911 ;
RX : 173SD101 - David, 18:42cfr/.555, 577 usb ; 3SD017 ; 2FB194 Washington DC ; 31AB777 ; 31TX911 ;
Made in China
Ce mai fac chinezii ? Multe !
In primul rind au ajuns si pe Luna cu o misiune spatiala robotizata :-)
... asta spune mult despre nivelul tehnologic la care au ajuns deja.
iar la sol, pe Terra, fac case ecologice proiectate pe PC, "tiparite" in serie la o imprimanta gigant in 3D :-) ... si ies mai vere cite 10buc./zi la un pret modic de 3000Lire/buc.
In primul rind au ajuns si pe Luna cu o misiune spatiala robotizata :-)
... asta spune mult despre nivelul tehnologic la care au ajuns deja.
iar la sol, pe Terra, fac case ecologice proiectate pe PC, "tiparite" in serie la o imprimanta gigant in 3D :-) ... si ies mai vere cite 10buc./zi la un pret modic de 3000Lire/buc.
Apr 28, 2014
Cum poti verifica/regla o statie radio CB "sarita" din frecventa
Fiecare canal radio are alocata o frecventa exacta iar daca nu esti exact pe frecventa apar distorsiuni la RX/TX intre cele doua statii ... cel mai usor se simte diferenta in SSB unde problema se corecteaza din RIT (clarifier), dar daca esti deviat cu mai mult de 300Hz se poate sa nu te auda partenerul.
In FM necazul ar trebuii sa fie mai mic decit in SSB dar si aici suna rau, iar statia n-are sensibilitate.
Reglajul se poate face exact din sinteza de frecventa unde este un trimmer micut (CV) de culoare rosie ...:-) iar pentru un atelier profi nu este o mare problema ... dar si un amator care are o statie de calitate cum este Avanti Grande poate face operatiunea.
Pentru aceasta se comuta statia pe pozitia telegrafie CW si se lasa fara antena (antena se cupleaza la statia de verificat si se emite cu ea in FM/CW...) mai departe daca Fa = Ft ( "zero beat" ) in difuzorul statiei Avanti nu se aude nici un sunet iar S-metru indica semnal maxim ... daca Fa</>Ft se aude un ton audio mai jos sau mai inalt functie de cit mare este diferenta intre cele doua frecvente (fenomenul de batai), iar S-metru indica un semnal mai slab.
Apr 27, 2014
RTX (Avanti Grande, Dipole) : 31RC167 ... 19:32cfr ; 30LOM - Josefin ; 4SD104 - Guillermo, Argentina !. .450usb/19:40cfr ; 31AM - Atonio, N Portugal, 20cfr/.555usb ; 34RC-2C Jose, Gran Canaria, 21:26cfr/585usb ; 3RC000/SP - Wilson, San Paulo, Brasil ,21:41cfr/.515usb ;
RX only : 3SD017 ; 3SAB055 ; 3SAB255 ; 3PT San Paulo ; Uruguay ;
RX only : 3SD017 ; 3SAB055 ; 3SAB255 ; 3PT San Paulo ; Uruguay ;
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