Jan 19, 2025

Log 233BSD / 233LR010

RTX[Avanti Grande,20w, MagLoop] : 26SD935 - Kewin, Livepool, 560usb, TS590, 5/8L Sirio at H=7m, 100w ; 26PA002 - Tom, Birmingham, 560 usb ; 26JR331 - John, 560 usb/ 12:43, Icom 7700, SM30 the mik, 500w ; 108LR126 - Steven, .600/13:38, Yaesu FT1200, Yagi 4 elem at H 10m over the ground ; 108RS10 - Charlie, Glasgow, 545/14:03, Kenwood TS850SAT, MC60, 80w, 2 elem Mocson ant ; 26OD050/M - Kewin, Livepool, 560usb /14:08, SuperStar and 60w ; 108AT134 - Graeme, 510/14:24 ; 26WR001/M - David, 410/14:34 ;

RX : 163SD003, 34KPI001 - Fernando, 560/13:57, 28C in Brasil 🤗 ; 31PAT146 ;