RTX [Avanti Grande v 3, 20w, dipole ] : 50KP109 - Vasily ; 30RCT001 ; 68LR104 ; 108LI09 ; 29CE366 - Joe, home made dipole at 6m ; 163CR101/Mobil - Mark, 9 miles from Swansea and 15 from Cardiff ; 29GP051 - Nigel ; 29IF28 ; 29E55 - Ernie, Kenwood and Sirio 827 ant. ; 2E2521 - ... New Hampshire, USA, 520.20usb/18:50cfr, 100w, QRM ;
RX : 31FAT010 ; 173SD101 ; 23SD101 ; 2RC125 - Jon, N Carolina, on.440usb/16:50cfr, beaming over the North Pole ;