Feb 16, 2014

RTX (Avanti Grande, dipole, Zetagi MM27) : 14SAR40 - Jean ; 14AR2555/Mobil - Sylvain ;  30MRV407 - Vasile (RO), Saragosa, TS / 2elem Yagi ; 34LR057 - Angelo, Gran Canary, Las Palmas, TS480/50w ; 14LG61 - Lionel, 3elem. Cubical Quad, TS870/300w ; 14BG470 /QRP - Cyril, President Jackson 10w, vertical ; 68AT121 - Robert ; 14AT273 - Alain, FT707, 3elem Yagi ; 27.400usb - 14SD014, 14TW Jean Luis, Robert ; 26FB770/Mobile - Rob ; 26CT554 - Mark ; 30SA310 - Florin (RO) ; 68TM022/Mobile ; 108AT277/Mobile ;

9 and 2 div. Bary from Canada on .435usb ;
But that was a strong one : 2RS357 - Bob, USA , 16:50cfr (5/9++ in RO),  (and 131Bob) on .430LSB worked together with my friend from UK 252 Jolly Roger 

38LSB : 227Scotland ; 069UK ; 26CI001 - David ; 29WR777 ; 539UK ; 302/Mobile Scotland