Oct 29, 2010

Portugalia in FM

Good everything.
I receive your qsl.I send my qsl.In qso her more 2 stations in Portugal and speak you.
Station "4 caminhos" and "radio vadio" will send 1 qsl.
Jorge station Lima5

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Oct 27, 2010

[echotangodx] 3 ET / LW

Call Sign: 3 ET/LW (New QSL Brasil - " Last Lung of the world "
Actived by ET Brasilian Team
Date: 15/10/2010, end 15/11/2010
QSL Via: 31ET001 Josè - PoBox 125 - 3885-618 Esmoriz - Portugal
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[echotangodx] 31ET001

Call Sign:31ET001
Josè -PoBox 125 - 3885-618 Esmoriz - Portugal
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Oct 25, 2010

[echotangodx] NEW 18ET003 WEBSITE

Ello to everyone,
Mr. Eugene have a new and very nice web page:www.18et003.gr
I invite all to visit it, and compliment to the web master
18ET002 Jim73's Paolo 1ET010

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[echotangodx] 18ET/EU052/CI "CORFU Island"

Hi all Dxers & I.O.T.A hunters ,

I would like to announce you that tonight I published on my Website , the complete Material (QSL Preview , Proofs , Photos & Video Clips) of the new I.O.T.A activation: 18ET/EU052/CI from CORFU Island by 18ET003 Mr Eugene.This I.O.T.A activation will be active at irregular times or weekends by 18ET003 Mr Eugene , depending on his job!You are welcome to watch this nice Material of 18ET/EU052/CI "CORFU Island" via this link (URL): http://18et002.gr/18ETEU052CI.htm

Thanks ,
18ET002 Jim
Owner & Moderator of the E.T Int'l Mailing list

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Oct 24, 2010


HOLA mi amigo silbio confirmado contacto en la frecuecia 27.275mhz
QRZ : AB 01



... si iata deja primele confirmari prin e-mail.

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Super propragare la 12:00 cfr !
Am lucrat divizia : 163 (Wales) , 14 (Franta) si 30 (Spania) in AM si FM pe ch 31 cu o statie Allamat 408 + :-)
30SAG01 - Andrei, din Valencia vorbeste romaneste.
14SD364 - Jack,
AB01 - Huan Carlos din Andalusia pe 27FM,
26GB64 - Adrian from SW England, 31FM 14:11 cfr,
26CM123, 26FB353 14:24, pe 31FM
26CT519 mobil at 14:29
29WM104 Irland la 15:12 progresiv nuber 108, in USB;
29WM103 - Tomy la 15:52, in USB;

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Oct 23, 2010

UK in FM

De citeva zile sunt asa de mari "propagari" de nu stiu ce sa mai cred.. e vara sau e iarna ? :), se aud numai statii in AM si SSB din Portugalia, Spania, Italia, iar "Natasa" e mai tot timpul prezenta peste tot. :-) ORM la greu pe toate frecventele.
Azi la 14:30 cfr am lucat 26SM11 si BW26 din Londra pe 31 FM, iar zilele trecute 108 FB din Scotland pe 33FM.
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Oct 20, 2010

www.11live.net (Online again)

Hi all Dxers & Listeners of the 11mt band ,I would like to announce you that the popular Website: www.11live.net is Online again.The last 2 weeks was offline due to upgrade!I was working very hard just to upgrade this Website with the latest version which offers me more safety against to the Hacking...From this moment it's available!So I am inviting you all to listen Live Streaming Stations of the 11 meters band worldwide , via this link: www.11live.net .

You are all welcome ,
18ET002 Jim
Owner & Moderator of the E.T Int'l Mailing list

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[echotangodx] 18ET/EU075/SI 'SALAMINA Island" Proofs , Photos & Video Clips available now

Hi all Dxers & I.O.T.A hunters ,I would like to announce you that tonight I published the Proofs , the Photos & Video Clips from our new I.O.T.A activation: 18ET/EU075/SI from SALAMINA Island.The QSL Preview (QSL card) is not available yet but the next few days it will be available on my Website.If you are interesting to watch the Proofs , the Photos & Video Clips of 18ET/EU075/SI "SALAMINA Island" , please click the following link: http://18et002.gr/18ETEU075SI.htmYou are welcome , 18ET002 Jim

Hi Jesus & all ,

Your E.T QSL card of Madrid is already published on the Echo Tango Dx Mailing list (on the section Photo Albums)
If you like to watch our rich E.T QSL Gallery please click here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/echotangodx/photos/album/378905822/pic/list

Best 73s ,

18ET002 Jim

Owner & Moderator of the E.T Int'l Mailing list

Hola greetings to all and new members et:

I present the Qsl we have here in Madrid, here you have it so that you may know as the qsl is the capital of Madrid, I hope you like the new greetings to all who entered the ET group:


Grupul ET radio CB este extrem de activ pe Yahoo Groups, asa ca am pus aici ultimile noutati pe are le-am primit.

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Oct 17, 2010

Divizia 31 - Portugal, Jorge

Azi pe la 12:00 a inceput din nou o propagare in 11m CB. Prima legatura a fost cu statia germana "Atalntic" - Sud Deutchland la 12:15cfr, dupa care am trecut in LSB pe ch34 unde incepea sa se auda ca de obicei numai lb. portucheza si spaniola, dar degeaba erau semnale super la S3..7 ( pe scala Cobra 148 GTL ) caci nimeni nu vorbea engleza :-). Dupa mai multe incercari si pe alte frecvente m-am lasat pagubas si-am trecut din nou in FM cu o statie Allamat 296 pe 31FM .. Surpriza ! Semnale intre S7...9 din Portugalia si noroc ca amicul Jorge o "rupe" putin cu engleza si cu alfabetul fonetic international, atit cit sa-mi spuna adresa postala si de mail :-)
Acum astept o confirmare QSL prin mail, iar aici este o inregistrare audio a legaturii facuta cu tel mobil.
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Oct 15, 2010


Azi seara a fost din nou o propagare buna cu Spania si Portugalia in AM si SSB, asa ca din nou l-am auzit pe 31FAT/MNB la 27.625 MHz lucrind in SSB, si din nou cele doua statii din Deva (233YO099 si YO233BSD) au avut ghinion la emisie. Se pare ca noi iesim mai greu din "groapa" Devei unde suntem incojurati de dealuri, pe cind cei din Hunedoara iarasi au avut noroc, caci am auzit cind 233YO183 de data asta a capatat un progsesiv number 135 o data cu confirmarea legaturii.
In alta ordine de idei, retineti ca n-are rost sa va lungiti la discutii radio cu descrieri de echipamente etc. ( tipic pt radioamatorii cu licenta) in CB si mai ales la DX, aici se lucreaza scurt, pe "banda rulanta", capeti un nr de ordine din LOG si gata, nu este timp pt povestile cu care sunteti eventual obisnuiti din alte benzi radio :-)
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Oct 12, 2010


Am primit si originalele prin posta clasica si dupa cum vedeti PWR = 4 w intr-o antena verticala... asa da QRP la DX.

31FAT/MNB ; 31FAT010 - Paulo

Ieri seara s-au pornit din nou propagarile in AM si SSB cu Spania, Portugalia si America de Sud.
De auzit i-am auzit in Deva destul de bine, eu cu Cobra 148 GTL si 233YO099 cu un Pesident George, mai greu a fost cu vorbitul in QRP caci n-am prea fost auziti, dar macar am auzit cum 233YO177 a preluat stafeta si facut legatura cu 31FAT/MNB - Paulo, a primit un progresiv number 106. Frumos, felicitari !

Am primit ulterior prin mail datele de contact :

31FAT010 Paulo Locator: IN50sk IOTA HUNTER
Portugal Coordinator and Official Qsl Manager

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Oct 6, 2010

329CL40 / OK1DNQ - Vlasta Lipert Zaluzi, Czech Republic

Silvio, Thanks for nice CB contact today 05.october 2010, cca 17:00 UTC, chanel 21, band "C", 27.215 MHz
RST 59 nice signal, sri QRM, but all info from you is OK!
Nice homepage,too! If you can I will send paper QSL direct by post. Please your QSL, 73 to your nice country, interesting DX and good health for you and your family. Vlasta Lipert Zaluzi.
Czech Republic.

My HAM callsign is OK1DNQ
Am mai lucrat de multe ori cu amatorii de CB din Cehia dar acesta-i primul QSL card de confirmare pe care-l primesc si culmea vine de la un amator licentiat. Toata ziua a "cirait" banda a DX, dar semnale bune au aparut seara pina noaptea, asta asa ca sa "valideze" tot ce scrie prin carti despre propagarea in 10m :-)
Impreuna cu 233YO073 am mai lucrat si alte statii CB din Germania, dar am auzit si Elevetia.
Trebuie sa mentionez si echipamnetul folosit de mine : statie MX-8 Mark 1 de la
TEAM + KL203 si antena home made LW 11m prezentate mai jos.