May 20, 2015

FM-ul si filtrele de RX

Vechea problema si aici ... e un filtru lipsa pe prima schimbare de frecv. si lucru asta se simte pt un amator pretentios de FM banda ingusta.

May 16, 2015

RTX [Avanti Grande, dipole] : 13IG16/Mobil - ... Hanovra ; 21K1 - Tom, Sweden ; 233YO150 fix HD, ssb/FM ; YO2MON ;
RX : 14FDX187 ; 13 div., 19 div. ; 50LR005 ...
este propagare d-le Eduard :-) ceva nu-i bine la Dvs.

May 13, 2015

233SA010/HB30 - Silvio, on air now


We inform you that from 01/01/2015 to 30/09/2015 stations can be active SA/HB30.Special Stations Sierra Alfa 30th Anniversary
Every member can use the following Call: 1SAxxx/HB30 ( operator name ) and contribute to this great event
We inform you that all Countries (including Italy) can participate making activations.
example : 1SA002/HB30 , we invite you to make activations !

Who wants to make activations can do it without any problem.
A special QSL will be available and the QSL manager will be

1SA004 Luis:
(Oliosi Luis - Casella Postale n°3 - uff.P.T. Bardolino - 37011 Bardolino - VR)
e-Mail address :
Voluntary contribution, who will contact one of the on-air stations will receive the Special QSL and can ask via e-mail a free pdf diploma.
In order to get it you have to send to the Manager 1SA004 Luis the QSL complete with the contact and the e-mail address where the diploma must be sent.
The QSL won't be presented as usual but it will be a surprise.
Best regards


Please be informed that from now on all the activations with QSL Manager 1SA004 Luis , will have 1SA003 Claudio as new QSL Manager.
Anyone who have to send to Luis any confirmation can send everything to Claudio.

Please note: the QSL change is performed together with the change of material. We therefore expect a few weeks more of waiting for the confirmation QSL.
Thanks 1SA002 Mark & 1SA003 Claudio

May 12, 2015

WW II - 70 years

Este un QSL aniversar primit cu o invitatie de la clubul CB:  www.KCBDX.RU

May 11, 2015

RTX [ Avanti Grande in LP mode, Albrecht Densei, Zetagi P27M, dipole]: 13OD088 - Tino ; Mr. Ivano, Lago di Como, Nord Italy ; 13TW001/Mobil - Peter ; Aurelio & Giuliano, Nord Italy (Brescia), President Grant, FT757GX, 50w, Mantova1 ; 1GIR012 - Massimo, Nord Italy ; 13LR343 - Peter ; 47AT124 ; 35TR01 ; 26CT331 - 12:32cfr/.555usb, I get a 5/9 with qsb :-) ; 13AT351 - Oliver, 12:43cfr/.560usb, FT1000M5, MD100, 4elem.Delta Loop ; 1AT341 -...Sicily  12:53cfr/.555usb ; 233YO073/Fix ; 233YO069/Fix ; 233YO380/StaticMobil la Bacia/Strei ; 233YO175/StaticMobil&Fix, HD ; "Flaviu/Vetel" ;

RX : 115LR001 ; 14LR/HMC ; 19LR001 ; 173IR034 on .660usb (lucrat de un 233BV?)

May 1, 2015

RTX [Avanti Grande in HP mode, Zetagi P27M, dipole] : Grup DX Europa / Mobil - Dragos, Florence, FM CH20 ; 1SA... N Italia, Forli, 20FM ; 13PL - Reni, Nuremberg ; 1WD123 - George, Intek 5500, 100w, vert. L/2 ; 1CM552 - Gilberto, Genova ; 1DB125 - Dario, Varese (Milano), Italy, 100w ; 1RP065 - ... Torino ; 233YO025 (Simeria cu ant indor :-), 233YO035/Mobil (Barsau/Certej), 233YO073, 233YO069, 233YO380, 13DA419 on repeater and direct on CH20FM ;

Apr 30, 2015

RTX : 13DS001 - Didter, Germany (central), 14:35cfr/.565usb, FT840, 100w, A99 ; 13GO02 ; 13BB002 ;

Apr 28, 2015

Vind statie radio CB Cobra 19 Pret negociabil.
Tel. 0723 28 52 14

Apr 25, 2015

RTX : 30ET142 ; 31CQS15 ; 18VOG049 ; 233YO073 ; 31IAA001 ; 1GIR003 - Roberto, Italy (100km from Rome) ; 31AM - Antonio, N Portugal, Galaxy Saturn, 4 elem Y ; 1SD016 - Fabio ; 31AB777 - George, Lisbon, (with 233YO073) ;

RX : 115HS257 ; 18VOG001 ; 115KPI115 ; 18/26LR600/Mobil - Terry ; 3SD313 ; 177 New Jersey US ; 11SD119 ; 1SA005 ; 2AC043 ; 1DM85 ;

Apr 24, 2015

233YO050 - Sergiu, Suceava, Ro.

Incepind de astazi indicativul 233YO050 este al colegului nostru Sergiu din Suceva.
Are un echipament bun : "...deocamdata am doar pe masina un Ranger RCI63 FFC4, microfon Astatic noise canceling si antena Wilson 5000. E in constructie si o antena fish pole din cablu RG213 pt acasa, mai am si-un radio tot pt acasa un Ranger 2950 si trebuie sa soseasca din Franta un President George." asa ca si rezultatele sunt pe masura, practic cartea lui de vizita este pusa aici pe YouTube ...

73's !

Apr 23, 2015

RTX [Avanti Grande, dipole] : 31SD010 / 31MU-MU-116 - Jose, Super Jopix 2000, vert. 5/8 ; 1AT426 - Georigio, N Italy, QRP 10w ; AM - Charly, Sud Italia ; 26RD15 ; 31SD110 ; 18VOG049 - Theo, Athene, 3elem Yagi ; 1FAT/EU025 - Palermo, Sicily ; 30ASE019 ; 

RX : 18VOG001

Este deja o alta propagre caci incep sa se auda italienii bine si merge mai greu cu UK .


De vinzare memorie RAM marca Hynix pt laptop 2buc x 1GB 2Rx16PC2-5300S-555-12 

Tel.0722890420 /

Apr 21, 2015

100W FM from Avanti Grande

strap for 40w


Like I show you in a past post this is the "secret" modification made in Avanti Grande & the family CB radios made to obtain 100 Watts (40w or 60w depending how do you put the strap on transistor...)  output in FM, but this one has a price to pay ... you lose the AM modulation and variable power. If you really want to do this, then at least use a good wire, because you must bypass (or strap) a strong DC current (8A).

Apr 18, 2015

Asa Nu, asa Da !

Antena verticala de CB 11m din imagine este montata undeva in Deva si este un exemplu de amplasament gresit ales... De ce ? :-)

Iata o alta verticala tot undeva prin Deva ... asa DA ! 

Daca sus de totului nu se poate nici cum (cazul meu) atunci mai bine va departati de cladire la cel putin un landa (5...10m, 20m e optim pt un bloc de 4et.) si 1m deasupra solului pt o verticala (L/2 pt dipol orizontal/inclinat) dupa care puteti testa locul ales folosind o statie portabila.
La montajul pe fatada cladirii macar inclinati antena la cca.45..50grd si evitati pe cit posibil apropierea ei de obiectele metalice mari (streasina), oricum cimpul e mai slab dar  virful e mai degajat un pic si unghiul de plecare pt dx mai mic.

Palmierul si iarba verde de acasa

Propagarea la DX in 11m este slaba in schimb banda este fb pentru legaturile locale.
Colegul nostru 233YO333 este tot prin Dubai si ne trimite inca citeva imagini frumoase ...

Dar si pe la noi poti vedea cite un colt de natura ascuns prin oras ...

Apr 7, 2015

Vertical CB antenna

This is a picture of the second home made vertical antenna ready to be use for the emergency radio CB network. Location is in Deva on high hill, but unfortunately not on the top, anyway it's a very good location, and the antenna works perfect with a swr 1:1 at low power 10w and only 1.3 at high power. From electrical point of view it is cut on L/2 and mechanical is fixed inside on a fiber glass fishing rod l=6m (19ft). Easy and cheap to do it, I say, but it use to types of coax cable 75 and 50 ohms, and 75 is a problem (hard to come by a good quality).
Now we have good nodes of network in : Deva, Hunedoara, Balata, Certej, Simeria, (Vetel, Orastie), and a few mobile stations.

Apr 4, 2015

RTX : 31SD122 ; 233YO073 ; 233YO69 ; 233YO380 ;

 30LOM  - Josefin memorial / 30AT416 - Mr. Lolo , Cadiz ;

RX : 2AT477 ; 3AT136 ;

Apr 3, 2015

RTX : 29AC002 ; 30 Miguel, Murcia ; 30YV - Enrique (QSO with 233YO073) ; 31TX - Paulo ; 9NS1 - Mike, 18:48cfr/.565usb ;

RX : 3SD017 ; 3DX ... ; 3BL001 ; 4RC104 ;

Apr 2, 2015

9NS1 - Mike, Nova Scotia, Canada, QSL

Hello Silviu

Nice to meet you on frequency March 24/2015
on 27.560 at 9:40 am local time signal 5/8 to my station in Nova Scotia. My call 9NS1 Mike
25km North west of Capital City Halifax N.S.
Village name Mt.Uniacke see map of google enclosed.
Also some sample qsl cards for your collection will send more email qsl next email.