IARU emergency frequency are follows:
3600kHz (All Modes ±5kHz)
7110kHz (All Modes ±5kHz)
14300kHz (All Modes ±5kHz
18160kHz (All Modes ±5kHz)
21360kHz (All Modes ±5kHz)
YO233BSD, 233YO10, 233LR010, 233MW010, 233MEX010, 233CS010, 233KB010, 233TS010, 233OT010, 233UT010
Nov 22, 2016
Nov 21, 2016
Nov 20, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, 20w, dipol, Zetagi MM27, Zetagi F27] : 13SD591 - Udo, 11:10cfr/.560usb, President George 25w, Yagi 3elem ; 161LR010 - Martin, Katowice, 11:14cfr/.560usb ; 13TW227/Mobil - 11:15cfr/.560usb ; 13OD088 - 11:17cfr/.560usb ; 19SD614 - Franco, 11:55cfr/.565usb ;14LR618 - Bertrand, 12:55cfr/.580usb ;
RX : 1AT1227 ; 1AT485 ; 13AT351 ; 19RF470 ; 26SD117 ;
RX on SDR : 13TW227 ; 19SD115 ; 13LR021 ; 14RC581 ; 19AT131 ; 14LR618 ; 13AT125 ; 54RC000 - 12:40cfr/.525usb ;14IC? ; 13DK1140 ; 14SD259 ; 14OCF77 ; FT020 ;
RX : 1AT1227 ; 1AT485 ; 13AT351 ; 19RF470 ; 26SD117 ;
RX on SDR : 13TW227 ; 19SD115 ; 13LR021 ; 14RC581 ; 19AT131 ; 14LR618 ; 13AT125 ; 54RC000 - 12:40cfr/.525usb ;14IC? ; 13DK1140 ; 14SD259 ; 14OCF77 ; FT020 ;
Nov 15, 2016
Oferta receptor SDR cu banda radio CB
Echipamentul functioneaza si in banda radio CB11m ... AM / FM / SSB, iar softul se poate rula sub Windows (PC / Laptop, XP, 7, 8 ) sau Android (Tableta, eu nu l-am testat...) si Linux, pretul variaza in functie de ce solicitati : pachetul simplu, cu sau fara soft si instructiuni (pe CD ori memory Stick), instalare complecta etc.
Mai multe detalii despre oferta direct la firma tel. : 021 456 10 74
Antena de CB se cupleaza cu ajutorul unei mufe adptor tip BNC / PL.
Nov 12, 2016
RTX : 31SD239 - Rui, 13:12xfr/.595usb, Icom 756Pro2 & 150w ;
RX : 30RC915 - Javi, Almeria, Jopix 3000b & 170w ;
RX : 30RC915 - Javi, Almeria, Jopix 3000b & 170w ;
Nov 11, 2016
RTX : 30PJ05 - "El Commandante" ; 1GIR061 - Maurizio, 12:40cfr/.560usb, TS440, A99 ; 1MW/1M - 12:32cfr/.510usb ;
With this occasion I do the test for my RX - SDR for DX11m ... nice, very nice :-)
A good audio come out from DSP filter (2700Hz), AGC works fine and make the necessary sensitivity for DX, S-meter shows the real uV from antenna and if you prefer the dBm you have it. I must say that I'm surprise by this radio, it has only one small coil inside, 2 or 3 chips and a quartz, the rest is only mathematics form PC via USB connection :-)
By the way, you don't need a fancy PC to do this RX-SDR ... I do the test with my old Pentium 4 at 2GHz /512MB of RAM, running a good old Windows XP SP 3, and with the right software everything is ok.
Pay attention when you install the driver (or .dll file) and the software because you can have problems like this...( photo), only the right combination for your system will work, and set the frequency correction in the soft so called PPM (parts per million).
With this occasion I do the test for my RX - SDR for DX11m ... nice, very nice :-)
A good audio come out from DSP filter (2700Hz), AGC works fine and make the necessary sensitivity for DX, S-meter shows the real uV from antenna and if you prefer the dBm you have it. I must say that I'm surprise by this radio, it has only one small coil inside, 2 or 3 chips and a quartz, the rest is only mathematics form PC via USB connection :-)
By the way, you don't need a fancy PC to do this RX-SDR ... I do the test with my old Pentium 4 at 2GHz /512MB of RAM, running a good old Windows XP SP 3, and with the right software everything is ok.
Pay attention when you install the driver (or .dll file) and the software because you can have problems like this...( photo), only the right combination for your system will work, and set the frequency correction in the soft so called PPM (parts per million).
Nov 7, 2016
RX - SDR in CB 11m
Astazi am terminat de instalat echipamentul de RX SDR si conexiunea la antena exterioara dipol pt 11m. Cu o sensibilitate de 0.3uV nu este nevoie de Zetagi P27M, dar l-am lasat inca in circuit cu amplificare 0dB. Nivelul de zgomot este S3...4 in FM (S2 in SSB) iar semnalele se aud bine de la 10...15km departare in 22FM. Pe analizorul de spectru se poate vedea tot ce misca de la 27...28MH :-) dai un clik si pleaca inregistrarea audio digitala, iar semnalul poate fi transmis usor mai departe prin internet. Fltrul DSP lucreaza de minune si la nevoie mai sunt citeva filtre suplimentare. Acum asteptam sa vina propagarea :-) .
Nov 3, 2016
RTX [Avanti Grande,20w, Zetagi P27M, dipol] : 14TS001 - Yannik, 11:45cfr/.560usb ; 14MRV672 - Loren, SE France, 11:49/.560usb ; 30VDX01 - Jose, Valencia, 12:01cfr/.605usb, TS870, 90w, Cubical Quad ;
Oct 29, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, Lp20w, Zetagi P27M, dipol] : 1DR - Domenico, 60km from Roma, 15:03/560usb ; 30CE001 - Luis, Madrid, 15:14/.600usb, Icom 756, 250w ; 1TS/HW1 - 15:20/.540usb ; 165CR/DX - Kevin, 15:25/.570usb, only partial QSO because he din't copy my unit number 010 .. pnly 233LR he get .
Oct 28, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, Lp20w, Zetagi P27M, Astatic, diplo] : 30REC239 - Rodolfo, Alicante, 13:53cfr/.560usb ; 30PJ05 - El Commandante, 13:57cfr/.555usb ;
RX : 31TX115
RX : 31TX115
Oct 26, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, Lp20w, ZetagiP27M, Astatic, dipol] : 1AT807 - Alexio, 13:06cfr/.520usb ; 1/109SD102/Mobil ; 1PA115 - Paulo, 13:20cfr/.560usb ; 1KW007 - Flavio, 13:20cfr/.560usb ; 1VA88 - Danielle, 13:25cfr/.560usb ; 1AT517 ; 1CG01 -Sasa, Firenze, 14:10/550usb ;
RX only : 18RS111/Mobil - Panos, .590usb ;
RX only : 18RS111/Mobil - Panos, .590usb ;
Oct 22, 2016
Oct 19, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, KL203&Zetagi, Astatic mik, dipol] : 104FDX021 - Guy, Bastia, Corsica, 14:58cfr/.530usb, TS140s, Skyper ant at 10m ; 1LR025 - Giampi, Milano, 15:02cfr/.560usb ; 1SA078 - Giuliano, Bolognia, 15:08cfr/.560usb ; 1AT517 - Raimondo, Trevizo, 15:08/.560usb ; 1WD167 - Danielle, Pisa, 15:15cfr/.560usb ; 1WRM101 - Marco, 15:18cfr/.560usb, FT991, Sirio Vector 4000 ;
RTX : 233YO073/Mobil in QSO div. 48...
RTX : 233YO073/Mobil in QSO div. 48...
Oct 16, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, Astatic mik, KL203/Zetagi, dipol] : 68DT120 - 13:31cfr/.430usb ; 30ET099 - Manuel, 14:11/.585usb ; 30LO873 - Paulino, TS, 50w, Sirio GP27 ; 48LR502 - Nasser, 14:43/.560usb ; Mr. Lolo on 560 ; 30FLE01 - De..?, Valencia, 14:56/.645usb ; 30RC915 -Javier (Gavi), 15:21/595usb ;
Oct 15, 2016
RTX[Avanti Grande, KL203&Zetagi, dipol] : 16FX002 - Rudi, 16:05cfr/.560usb ; 30RC915 - Javier, Alemeria, 16:19cfr/.560usb, Super Jopix 300B, 5/8L Sirio, 150w ; 13IR081 - Markus, 16:17cfr/.560usb ; ?AC? ; 16AB - Robert , Liege ;
RX : 48KPI001 - Hussain, Icom 706MK2, 4elem Yagi, KL405 ;
RX : 48KPI001 - Hussain, Icom 706MK2, 4elem Yagi, KL405 ;
Oct 13, 2016
RTX [Avanti Grande, Lp20w, Zetagi MM27, dipol] : 108LR007 - Kevin, Edinburgh, 15:08cfr/.530 ; 30KY141 - Mr. Lolo ; 108LI09 - Donie, 15:18cfr/.595usb ; 108LR012 - Arthur, 15:24cfr/27.100usb, FT950, Srio Gain Master, 100w ; 26BA171/VOG001 - Dave, NE UK, Durham, Kenwood 570, MC90, Imax 2000 ; 163ARC190 - Russ, 560usb ; 26UK119/Mobil ; 26WR456 - ... 15:47cfr/.560usb, Ranger 2950, Imax 2000 ; 26SW037 - Ady, York, 15:51cfr/.560usb ; 26AW007 - Sam, 15:52cfr/.560usb ; 26LR002/Mobil - Nigel, 15:53cfr/.560usb ; 26AT045/Mobil ; 26CT032 - Ray, A99/40w ; 26CO04 - Geff, Liverpool ; 26RR003 - Graham, 16:02cfr/.560usb, Ranger 2950 ; 26WY123 ; 26JH70 - Dave, Anytone 6666, A99 ; 26CT1193 - Nel, 16:15cfr/.570usb, Stryker 955 ; 26CT2113 - Alan, central UK, .570usb, SuperStar3900, 80w ; 26SW119/Mobil - Steve, 570usb, President Lincoln 1 ; 26SY21/Mobil - Stuart ; 108AT277 - Kevin, Edinburgh, 17:00cfr/.520usb, FT950 ; 30ASE019 - ... 17:06/.575usb ; 163TM777 - Paul ; 26PG13 - Joe, Hull, 17:12cfr/.520usb, Sirio 827 ; 26LR352 - Joe ; 14RC000/D33 - 17:26cfr/.520usb ; 26FB474 - Bill, Liverpool, 17:57xfr/.535usb, SuperStar3600FM, 120w, Sirio Tornado ; 30PJ05 El Commandante ; 30VB - Pero, SE Spain, 18:48cfr/.525usb ;
RX only : 14SD014 ; 34AT024 - Paco ;
RX only : 14SD014 ; 34AT024 - Paco ;
Oct 4, 2016
Microfon Astatic
Nu este al meu, un bun amic mi-la dat pentru teste cu Avanti Grande ...
Ce sa zic, art design in stil "americana"si nu este chiar steagul meu preferat :), mufa in patru pini care s-a potrivit la Avanti din prima, scoate un sunet clar dar nu deosebit si mi-a redat mai accentuat frecventele inalte din spectrul vocal personal.
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