YO233BSD, 233YO10, 233LR010, 233MW010, 233MEX010, 233CS010, 233KB010, 233TS010, 233OT010, 233UT010
Sep 13, 2014
RTX (Avanti Grande, EA35, MM27, dipole ) : 30MX099 ; 31SD017/MM ; 30WY001 ; 68LR104 ; 26TM342 (12w) ; 26RD105/Porttabe ; 26TM341 (20w) ; 26DT017 (50w) ; 163OP110 ; 30JJ01 (20w) ; 163FB01 (80w) ; 68TM081- Andy ; 26OP241/Mobil (100w) ; 68LV101 ; 29ET252 (100w) ; 29IF28 ; 30LO3340 (with 233YO380 ) ; 26CB01 (20w) ; 68DA101 ; 14MP01 ; 14AR4855 ; 29RC010 ; 29CE366 (400w, dipole) ; 68SD555 (20w) ; 30SA310 ; 29IF28 ; 68DT120 (200w) ; 30MU119 - Manuel, Fabero - Leon, (40w), Imax 2000 ;
Sep 11, 2014
Sep 7, 2014
Sep 6, 2014
How to make full power on Avanti Grande
To unlock the full power in FM the Avanti Grande has a strap on Q55... and so that the radio has about 60w out ... nice but not to good for me and for modulation :-) I do prefer to have adjusted power from 1(4) to ...20w, and have the AM modulation ok ... so that you can push an KL203 amplifier and you have 100W in FM and up to 200W in SSB.
So, if you cut/remove/unsolder the strap then you have the option to adjust the power from the frontal potentiometer (with the limits set from inside ...) that is the "secret" power :-)
The Schematic Diagram for Avanti Grande can be found here.
for other tricks you can see this one...
radios are made by Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co Ltd
in China and sold under the following brands :
10 Max (USA)
Anytone AT-5555 (Europe)
Comtex SC-1000 DX (Europe)
Hannover BR-9000 (South America)
K-PO DX-5000 (Netherlands)
Maas DX-5000 (Germany)
Superstar SS6900 (France)
Anytone AT-5555 (Europe)
Comtex SC-1000 DX (Europe)
Hannover BR-9000 (South America)
K-PO DX-5000 (Netherlands)
Maas DX-5000 (Germany)
Superstar SS6900 (France)
AVANTI GRANDE (Romania and Italy)
TNX to YO2MOO & YO2MOP for help on this subject, and to Google search engine :-).
RTX : 161 ; Berlin ; 161RC102 - Peter ; 13AT018 - Martin ; 15IC101 - Peter, Zurich, Icom 703, 5w , Imax 2000, 11:38cfr ; 13AT398 - Hans, Munchen ; 14EA102 - Cristof ; 1PC101 - Francesco ; Milano - Roberto, Exaclibur 20w ; 1RD001 - Devis, N Italy ; 1ET018 - Michele, Venetia, Icom 706, ant. at 25m, 12:12cfr ; 1RC308 - Stefano (Scorpio), Padova ; Pietro - Genova ; 1DK091 - Julio, Bergamo, 10w ; Maximo - Venetia ; 14RC011 - Cedric, 610usb,(in QSO with 43WC719 Chan, W Australia, 1.5KW ...) ;
Sep 2, 2014
1KP001 - Michele, Italy
QSL-ul primit este corect !
Am fost invitat de catre clubul italian KP sa devin mebru zilele trecute ... asa ca mai am un indicativ onorific primit din Italia : 233KP010 - Silvio
Aug 30, 2014
Aug 29, 2014
Aug 28, 2014
Aug 26, 2014
Aug 23, 2014
Jul 22, 2014
Jul 19, 2014
RTX (Avanti Grande, dipole, Echo off ) : 1KP001 - Michele, Palermo, 12:55cfr/.540usb ; 1RP100 - Giuseppe, Torino, 13:03cfr/.625usb ; 1RGK466 - Martino, Sud Italy, 13:15cfr/.605usb ; 93SD001 - Mario, Zurrieq, SE Malta, 14:25/.520usb ; 47EC439 - Carsten, Kalundborg, Denmark, 14:30cfr/.560usb ; 161OS040 - Cristof, Kalisz, Poland, 14:35cfr/.560usb, K-PO5000, Sirio Tornado at 20m ; 14V28 - Henri, Cannes, France, 14:40cfr/.560usb ; 15DX/YZ - Patrik, 80km from Geneva, 14:47cfr/.560usb, President George, Black Pirate ant. ; 161BD850 - Caesar, 14:50cfr/.560usb, 500w Home Made amplif ; 1SD244 ; 13OD088 - Tino, 14:58cfr/.560usb, Albrecht UltraForce, Sirio Gain Master ; 161AT029 - Hania, Nord Poland near Gdansk, 15:07cfr/.605usb ; 15PI255 - Franco, 15:20cfr/.560usb, FT897, 40w ;15CH009 - Pascal, Lausanne, 17:35cfr/.575usb, Imax 2000 ; 14HF/FRA427 - 17:46cfr/.650usb ; 1LR069 - Sergio, 18:10cfr/.600usb ; 1AT341 - Carmelo, Siracusa, 18:15cfr/.620usb ; 1CS/GE - 18:20cfr/.600usb ; 26DX044 - Terry, London, 18:42cfr/.520usb ;
233YO380 - Piedone, primeste inca un pct. si felicitari pt. legatura in FM cu Ucraina, iar indicativul 233DAN este rezervat :-).
233YO380 - Piedone, primeste inca un pct. si felicitari pt. legatura in FM cu Ucraina, iar indicativul 233DAN este rezervat :-).
Jul 12, 2014
RTX(Avanti Grande, dipole) : 104AT165/Mobile, ins. Corsica - 11:58cfr/.570usb ; 14SD204/R2 - Jean Claude, 12:28cfr/.630usb, my progressive is 54 ; 14VD22 - Geff, 13:39cfr/.565usb ; 1SA128 - Alex, in contest SA, 13:50cfr/.545usb ; 1GIR012 in contest, .615usb ; 1RK - Davide, 605usb, 80w dipole ; 1SA176 - Beppe, SA Contest, 14:45cfr/.525usb ; 1SA141 - Gabriele, Bologna, 15:00cfr/.520usb, Icom 775 / 200w ;
1OD/GM - Edoardo, Venice, 15:17cfr/.585usb, my progressive is 78 ; 1LR069 - Sergio, 15:25cfr/.600usb ; 13MS01 - Michael, Hanovra, 15:32cfr/.560usb, Kenwood TS2000 / 100w, Vert. 15m, Sirio GainMaster ; 13PW - Werner, SW Germany, 15:35cfr/.560usb, President Jackson 25w;
1OD/GM - Edoardo, Venice, 15:17cfr/.585usb, my progressive is 78 ; 1LR069 - Sergio, 15:25cfr/.600usb ; 13MS01 - Michael, Hanovra, 15:32cfr/.560usb, Kenwood TS2000 / 100w, Vert. 15m, Sirio GainMaster ; 13PW - Werner, SW Germany, 15:35cfr/.560usb, President Jackson 25w;
Jul 10, 2014
CB simplex
Pentru cei interesati in continuare numai de reclame si spoturi pubilicitare in CH22FM... asta este jucaria perfecta un "papagal" digital :
- inregistrare digitala cu durata de max. 25 sec. (esantionare 16k/sec) ;
- redare automata (sau la comanda user) si temporizata la intervale programabile (prin mutarea unui jumper intern) : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 si 30 min ;
- alimentare la 220VAC ;
- puterea de iesire : 7,5 min la 10w/numai in CH22FM ;
- casti si mik .
Echipamentul este nou si nefolosit, eu doar l-am verificat pt propietar si este de vinzare.
Pret : 350RON (info. tel. 0722 890 420, 0354 416 093 )
Jul 8, 2014
Radiocomunicatii digitale sub LinuX
Ziceam intr-un post anterior ca sunt si in sistemul de operare LinuX multe aplicatii freeware pt radioamatori.
In imaginea de mai sus se poate vedea cum arata o aplicatie pt radiocomunicatii digitale : fldigi , care se gaseste in distro Debian / Ubuntu.
Mai am inca citeva setari de facut si o interfata PC/AvantiGrande la care lucrez inca.
Jul 6, 2014
RTX : 26SD117 - Geoff, UK, 10:25cfr/.590usb ; 14AT143 - 10:54cfr/.510usb ;1AT349 ; 16AB - ... 12:45cfr/.545usb, lb. Ro ; 14PFE001 - Richard, Marseille, 13:10cfr/.610usb ; 14 RC/18-097R Paincourt Isl.... 13:25cfr/.510usb ; 1GIR012 in contest ; 233YO175 - HD ; 1SD69 - .. Modena, Italy, 13:45cfr/.585usb ; 13MS01 - Mikel, Hanovra, Germany, 17:25cfr/.580usb, TS2000/100w/Sirio Gain Master ; 1TRC161 - Darek, N Italy, Folri, 18:00cfr/.515usb ; 1RC124 - ... 18:07cfr/.470usb ;
RX : 1KP001 ; 26DX044 ; 18RC113 ; 30UM44 ;1SD224 ; 13KP135 ;
RX : 1KP001 ; 26DX044 ; 18RC113 ; 30UM44 ;1SD224 ; 13KP135 ;
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