Nov 13, 2012

Astazi daca am vazut ca se deschide propagarea am lasat totul balta si-am trecut la statie :-) cred ca a meritat !

68TS100 - Tony, Belfast, 12:10cfr/.510usb ; 26UP002 - Ian, Manchester,12:25cfr/ .505usb ; 68AT149 - Martin, Belfast, 12:52cfr/.630lsb, FT, 4elYagi ; 26IG125 - Ian, 13:00cfr/.650usb, President Grand 50w ; 26DD026 - Tony, 13:05cfr/.605usb, Imax2000 at 26 feet high ; 26RT07/Mobile - Andy, 13:16cfr/.565usb, QRP 10w !, Nottingham ; 26RD105 - John, Birmingham,  13:29cfr/.545usb, QRP 10w !, dipole inside of the room :-) ! ; 26PM20 - Eduard, 13:34cfr/.545usb, 40w ; 108LD150 - Mike, 15:35cfr/.565usb, OmegaForce 50w/vertical A99 ; 29FB432 - Brendan, 15:43cfr/.535usb ; 68CT1970 - Mark, 15:45cfr/.565usb ; 137RB001 - 15:58cfr/.550usb .


 Antena pe care am folosit-o de data asta a fost un Sirio Turbo din gama "Blue Line" de cca. 1.7 m lungime.

Nov 12, 2012

Pina astazi si-au ridicat legitimatia de club urmatorii : 233 YO 068, 233 YO 073, 233 YO 177, 233 YO 012, 233 YO 181, 233 YO 112, 233 YO 380, 233 YO 182, 233 YO 193, 233 YO 099, 233 YO 320, 233 YO 452 , 233 YO 214, 233 YO 933, 233 YO 006, 233 YO 970.

My tubes colection

La rugamintea lui YO2LRB - Gratian, am scotocit prin ce a mai ramas din colectia mea de tuburi ... tot felul de lampi dar nu si ce-i trebuie lui :-(

:-)  ? E un GU50 nou la cutie.

Mai am chiar si un PL500 :-). Multe le am in mai multe exmplare asa ca unele sunt de vinzare pentru cei intersati.
Avem doi colegi noi : 233 YO 040 - Marius si 233 YO 970 - Mihai, carora le dorim mult succes in activitate, la  CB11m/DX in special.

Colegul nostru 233 YO 933 - Andrei, a trecut examenul de licenta si a devenit radioamator YO..., mut succes mai departe colegu' !

11/11/12, 68DT120 - 11:31cfr/470usb ; 108CT310/Mobile - Allan, .505usb ; 68AB02 - Andy, Belfast, 13:44cfr/.567usb ; RX - 29/161AT - ID (161AT035 is the QSL manager) .

Nov 8, 2012

14ET446 - Carlos, FRANCE, 46 Lot
Este un site super ! Vizitati-l !

Este cu siguranta cel mai frumos QSL pe care l-am primit din Franta pina la ora asta, si este insotit de pliante turistice...(sic!) plus o invitatie de club ET.

Nov 7, 2012

Avanti Alpha - inside view

Un lucru frumos si totusi o "chichita" exista.

Suport magnetic Avanti

Nov 4, 2012

163SD104 - 11:21cfr/.585usb ; 29TK70 rx only ; 26OP141 - 11:31cfr/.495usb ; 26ID101 - Steve, Durham, 12:20cfr/.620usb, (legatura dupa 233TM052 - Sorin) ; 26GC307 - Brian, 12:30cfr/.575usb, vertical Sirio827/15m high/75w ; 14ET446 - Carlos, Gourdon, 12:35cfr/.565usb ; 68AT121/Mobile - Robert, 12:50cfr/.605usb ; 26TM5000/static mobile - Rees, Sheffield, 13:03cfr/.615usb, auto cb 1.6m / 180w ; 163DT195 - Roger, Wales, 14:23cfr/.475, .510usb ,  windom antenna 100w ;

Am folosit acelasi echipament si anume : statie Avanti Grande cu antena Megawat  ML145 din camera, la fereastra :-) si toti au crezut ca am o directiva ceva acolo.

Nov 3, 2012

30MRV407 - Viorel, Saragossa, Spania, 12:45cfr/.625usb, dipol ; 26CT740 - Mike, Stoke, 13:00cfr/.560usb, 3 el Yagi ; 26TRC155 - rx only ; 108JW027 - Jonathan, Scotland ; 68AB01 - Andy, Belfast, 15:00cfr/.565usb ;

Oct 31, 2012

Sugar Delta World Contest 2012

! We count on your participation !
! Let's make this event a real succes thanks to you & all together !
Please pass this message to your friends
Best 73's
The Contest Manager Team wish you good luck
Dx'ing the World is Our Passion, Share it with Us !
Contact SD HQ:

Oct 30, 2012

2HF001 - Brian, NY - USA

In urma cu multi ani de zile, dupa LOG-ul meu in 23.11.1991 :-) auzeam cu ajutorul unui receptor hibrid (o lampa 3V4 detector cu reactie + un etaj AF pe tranzistori sovietici )  primii radioamatori americani : W4IWS, W8ILH, KE2WK, VE2RP, WA1Y ... in banda de 80m. Ce vremuri ! Astazi am primit primul QSL de confirmare a unei legaturi transatlantice facuta in CB-11m band, si cit de mult mi-am dorit un asemenea QSL e greu de spus in cuvinte, mai mult, daca altfel n-am ajuns in USA cu un "green card" :-), uite ca am reusit pe unde radio cu un control de 5/7.

Oct 29, 2012

26ID101 - Steve, Durham, 11:17/.610usb ; 26GC124 - Kev, 11:20cfr/.575usb, IC775DSP ; 68DT120 - Willis, 11:38cfr/.510usb ; 29SDX001 - Dave, 11:48cfr/.520usb, IC775DSP ; 26TRC155 ; 68AT103 - 12:07cfr/.630usb ; 68TM001 - Kev , 13:49cfr/.570usb ;
RX only : 26SY53 - Glyn, 15:59cfr/.540usb ; 26SB04, 68AT103, 29AT102, 14AT268, 26FB202, WT146/M, 26DT01, 163AU001, 26KW/M, 68TM010 ;

YO/HD Antena Nr. 194

Am primit ultimul nr din revista clubului editata de YO2BPZ - Adrian.

Download aici !

Oct 28, 2012

14AT227 - Franco, .580usb ; 26FB154 - Ken, Manchester, 12:50cfr/580usb, Yaesu/A99 ;

Oct 27, 2012

26SD150/Portable - Craig

29AT118- rx only; 21OK010- rx only ; 29TK70 - Mr. Tom ; 68DT749 - Robert, 15km N of Belfast, 14:08cfr/.595usb ; 14IAA628 - Stefan, dep. 29, Bretania, 30km Brest, 14:21cfr/.450usb, FT/4elY/9m high ; 26DT36 - Joe, 14:45cfr/.565usb ; 26CT571 - Terry /.595usb ; 26AT280 - Neal, Derby / 120mls London, 14:56cfr/.595lsb, 200w ; 26LB07 - Lez, 15:20cfr/.595usb ; 26SD150/Static-Mobile - Craig, 20km W from Leeds, 15:30cfr/.595usb, Yaesu 100w/2el Yagi at 7m high ; 163SD001/Mobile - Richard, 17:07cfr/.570usb ; 29ST78 - Miro, 100km W from Dublin, 17:10cfr/.535usb, Intek 5500/50w/horizontal dipole ; 26TM909 - Nataly, Manchester, 17:20cfr/.575usb ; 2NW381 - Cris, Wisconsin, USA / RX only on 18:20cfr/.570usb, Imax2000 ;

Primeste un pct. pt activitate DX la 555 colegul nostru 233YO177.

Toate QSO-urile lucrate cu Avanti Grande + Megawat ML145 indoor use :-) 

Oct 22, 2012

26CT2168/Portable - Martin

Hi Silviu,
Thank you for the very nice QSO today.
I was located in a small village in Cornwall UK called `St Agnes` I was on a hill at approx 180m ASL inland 600 yards from the see. ( see attached image ) the grid locator is IO70JG.
My Radio is an Icom IC 706mk2G and the antenna is a Sirio SY27-3. at a height of 4m.
The beam was pointing 60`N/E from my location.
I had a fantastic day DXing and had a some very nice contacts.
Thank you for returning my CQ call.
Best regards
Mai trecem in contul antenei Megawat ML145 pe ziua de azi : 163SD001 - Richard, Wales, 11:36cfr/.560usb ; 68AT103 - Pol, 11:46cfr/460usb ; 26AT205 - Paul, Derby, 12:00cfr/.580usb, FT840/50w/MD100/3el Yagi ; 108CI14 - Brian, 14:05cfr/.490usb ; 26CT2168/Portable - Martin, 14:40cfr/.580usb, IC706M2G/90w from battery, 3el Yagi made by Sirio ;