Jun 30, 2016


RTX [Avanti Grande, 20w, Zetagi MM27, dipol] : 1AV005 - Giovani, Salerno ; 1MF04 - Giuseppe, Icom 737a ; 1CD02 - Francesco, Pisa ; Miguel, Monte Casino ;1KPI030 ; 1SA222 - Alessandro, Bolognia, 19:49cfr/.540usb ; 1SA140/Mobil - Carlo, 19:50cfr/.540usb ;1IRG538 - Francesco, Roma, 20:02cfr/.585usb, TS850, 80w, Mantova Turbo ;

Jun 29, 2016


RTX [Avanti Grande, 200, dipol] : 35/109HA946/Portable - Zoli , 530usb/100w, Sirio ML145 ; 1AT923 - Giuseppe, .530usb, 5/8L, 50w, 45 years on CB and 82 age ; 19RF440 - Eric, KPO and KL400 ; 1SB655 - Marco, Biella ; Rafael - centro Italia, Galaxy Saturn ; 1SA200 - Massimo ; J4 - Mirco, Venetia, .570 ; 13EK111 ; 26AT030 - Mike, 20cfr/.540usb ; 14RC/EU - Eric, .420usb ; 13DG004 - Mike, Dortmund, .595usb ;13PK - Alex, Dortmund ; 29GP001 - Charlie, 21:55cfr/.580usb ;

60ch/5kHz step on Avanti Grande v3

If you want and like DX-ing , then you need for SSB a precise frequency and a RIT/Clarifier. The old CB channel mode is not good at all for ssb DX because many people are using transceivers radios with VFO not PLL ... so that they can use zero frequencies like 27.540, 27.570 etc. and you can't do this, or you loose your RIT button. The only solution to this problem is to rewrite the frequency table in the memory, and this can be done with a PC and the correct version of software. For example my radio has PCB v3 but for soft it use v1, with v5 soft you can only read not write the desired frequency. With the help of my friend YO2MON we did the job, anyway I keep it the old CEPT band (band D) in the old fashion channel mode 40ch for compatibility with "barachinno" radios :-) , but in A,B,C,E and F I have 60ch, so now I can do form 26.5MHz up to 28.0MHz in 5KHz step whit RIT to help RX in 100Hz/10Hz. :-) That's more likely !

Jun 26, 2016


RTX [Avanti Grande, Galaxy Class, dipol] : 1LR160 - Antonio, Valera Fratta ; 1WD167 - Daniele, contro Italia ; 1KPI030 - Antonio ; 1GIR001 - Dino, Catania ; 1AL67 - Alfio ;

Jun 25, 2016


RTX 1[Icom 706MK2, Icom AT150, dipol] : 13EK111 - Tony, on .560usb ; 16BDH - Dominique ; 13LS001 ; 13HA001 - Mike ; 14RC/Euro16/D ; 26SD/T3 rx only ; 14GT061 - Jean ; 13RF217 ; 14AT143 ; 1RGK555 - Andreea, Parma, lucrat in qrp 5w (set power on 1) ;

RTX 2 [IC706, KL203, dipol] : 1GIR003 - Giovani, 16:30cfr/.560usb, progressiv 10 ; 14PFE001 - Richard ; 13OD088 ; 14WAC917 ; 1AD019 ; 94LR001 - Fernando, Abu Dabi, RX only ; 1CMP01 - Miguelle, Monte Casino ; 1SA462 - Luca, RX only, CRT9900, Montova 8 , 600w :-) ;21WR294 ; 1LR105 - Marco ; 1WD081 - Giani ; 1AT530 - Silvano, Pisa ;1FC161 - Darek, Forli, TS480, Delta 3 elem ; 35CT141 - ... qth Velden, Lincon 1, Sirio GP27, 300w ; 1CG01 - Sasa, Fufina ;

Receptie este cita vrei, practic eu vad S5 pe aparat iar la ureche dau 9 :-), pt un S3 pe aparat dau 5, asa aud eu,... strig degeaba dupa ei si cu 100w ca tot nu prea sunt auzit, culmea ca am lucrat mai bine qrp5w cu 1RGK555 , iar de la 14AT143 la 100w mi-a zis ca sunt probleme cu modulatia si ca poate n-am curent destul din sursa.

In concluzie, doi amatori mi-au zis sicer ca modulatia de la Avanti Grande le place mai mult (un roman si-un italian care ma cunosc bine ) , receptia este foarte sensiblia (0.16uV) asa ca multe semnale se aud bine la s5 dar nu pot fi lucrate caci nu ajunge puterea/antena. Antena tunerul automat este bun pt lucrul multibanda in concurs, dar pt monobanda 11m antena este baza si se poate acorda usor sub swr 2 in mod natural deci e cam scump si inutil.

Jun 23, 2016

Jun 21, 2016


RTX : 1LR128 - Doriano, 13:30cfr/.530usb ; 30RC251/P ; 1ST053 - Giani, Sicily, 14:03/.565usb ; 1WD123 - Erico, 15:42/.565usb, Lincon, 200w ; 1CFW130 - Giuliano ; 1SB655 - Marco, Torino ; 1KPI030 ; Franco ... picola stazione ; 13LOM030 - Klaus ;

Jun 19, 2016


RTX : 161OD/EC2016 - Michel, 11:55cfr/.625usb, QSL manager is 13OD002 - Dario ; 19AT066 - Steven, 12:04cfr/.520usb, 5 elem Yagi /100w ; 1LR001 - Dino, 12:10cfr/.550usb ; 233YO073 - Coco ;1KPI001 -Michelle ;

Jun 18, 2016


O propagare foarte frumoasa, fara zgomot, atit pe distante scurte (Bucuresti, Slobozia si Livpova cu Iulian) cit si prin Europa pe distante medii.
RTX [Avanti Grande, Galaxy Class, dipol, mik President] : 1TDT08 ; 16AB - Robert ; 14ET107 - Loren ; LR001 - Dimitris, Luxemburg ; 109HA2993 - Tibor, Balaton ; 15BA - Peter ; 1VF - Fausto, Ancona ; 1AT282 - Mateo, Genova ; 1CA004 ; 1LD166 - Andreea, Verona ; 1AT261 - Marco ; 1SB655 - Marco, Torino ; 1PC101 - Francesco, Venetia ; 35CT141 - Jurgen , President Lincon 1, 300w, 5/8L ; Iulian HR2510 / Mobil, Ford Transit, Sirio 4000, Lipova .... Deva ; T2- Stefano, Venetia ; 1AT517 ; 233YO073 ; 233YO380 ;13VOG223 - Patrik ;

Jun 14, 2016


RTX [Avanti Grande, Galaxy Class, dipol] : 13TW227/Mobil - Frank, Bad-Salzungen, 08:15cfr/.585usb ; 1/26AT019/Mobil - Mark, 09:04cfr/.540usb, Icom 706, Sirio 4000 ; 13OD088 ; 233YO073/M; 233YO025/M ;

Jun 12, 2016

How to get a better reception on Avanti Grande CB radio

In this radio they forget one IF filter out :-) ... like in many others type of cb radios (in an cheap one I do understand, but not in this one) , and there is a small smd resistor zero ohm (starp / bypass) in stead  ... remove this carefully, and then on the back side of pcb is easy to solder one refurbished filter.  Now the sensitivity and selectivity of the radio will be ok, like it was intended to be from the project.

Jun 8, 2016

Jun 7, 2016


RTX [Avanti Grande, Galaxy Class (200w), Zetagi F27, mik. President, dipol ] : 13EK111 -Toni ; 1KPI ; 13NS - Norbert ; 1/26AT019/Mobil - Mark, Verona, 12:43cfr/.540usb ; 1RGK017 - Andrea, 12:51cfr./.615usb ; 13AT018 - Martin, 01:14cfr/.580 ;1LR150 - Piero, Palermo, Sicilia, 01:49cfr/.570usb, Ranger 3300, mik Sadelta ; 13HN741 - Sebastian, 01:57cfr/.565usb ; 1LR160 - Antonio, Valera Fratta , 02:05pm/cfr/.540usb ; 1AT158 - Gino, 02:10pm/cfr/.545usb ;14MRV154 - Daniel, 02:42pm/cfr/.640usb ; 1LZ462 - Luca, Modena, 03:18pm/cfr/.575usb ; 1SD162 - Peppone, 03:24/.575usb ;1PA115 - Paulo, 03:30pm/cfr/.535usb, (lucrat si de 233YO073/Mobil in Orastie ); 1KPI001 - Michele, 03:41/.540usb ;1CA004 - Giovani, Brescia ; ... Modena, Torino, Pisa ... in serie pe .555usb ; 13OD/EC2016 - Mario, 06:21pm/.cfr/.670usb ; 1KPI115 - Luigi, S Italy, 07:14pm/cfr/.535usb ; 1FM001 - Franco, Savona, 07:42pm/cfr/.565usb ; 1KR940 - Pablo, Roma, 08:04pm/cfr/.535usb ;26AB01 ...Sheffield RX only on .555 ; 26VB45 - Nick, York, 20:15cfr/.595usb, Icom 706/100w, vertical ;26TS05 - Mark, Nottingham, 20:20cfr/.535usb, SuperStar 7900 ; ... Mobil, Slovenia, Nova Goritza, .535usb ; 161SD171 - Daniel, 20:44cfr/.580usb ;161AT142 - Marian, Krakow, 21:04cfr/.490usb ; 26AT030 - Mike, 200km Nord London, 21:08cfr/.545usb, TS480,  200w, 4 elem Delta Loop at 18m, I get 5/9+20 :) ;

Nota : A trecut atita timp de cind folosesc sinteza digitala de frecventa ... si nu m-am obisnuit cu ea ! Drac' s-o fut... :-(  prefer un oscilator clasic VFX si acord continu in banda + un frecventmetru bun :-)

Jun 4, 2016



RTX [Avanti Grande, Low Power 20w, Magnetic Loop Antenna] :1CMP001 - ... Monte Cassino, Centro Italy ; 1LR059 - ... 01:45pm/cfr/.560usb ; 93/1AT096/ Portable - 01:52pm/cfr/.605 ; 1IT107/Mobil - Marco, Roma, 08:26pm/cfr/.560usb ; 1CT016 ; IPD 171 - Pasquale, Crotone, 09:25pm/cfr/.545usb ;

Jun 2, 2016


RTX [Avanti Grande, Galaxy class, dipol] : 18RC113 - Dimitris, 07:20pm/cfr/.570usb ; 1AVC005 - Giovani, Salerno, 07:45pm/cfr/.560usb, Ant. Magnetic Loop 1m diameter :-) 100w ; 1GIR061 - Maurizio, Adelino, 08:00pm/cfr/.560usb ; 1RGK557 - Nino, 08:09pm/cfr/.600usb ;   1AT578 - Alfredo , 09:25pm/cfr/.560usb, FT1000, Quad 3elem ;

Jun 1, 2016


RTX : 26FB481 ; 29IR706 - Peter, Dublin, Ireland, FT1000MP, 200w, 3 elem ; 13AT106 - Mike, Frankfurt, Icom 706, 80w, HB9 ; 13SD591 - Udo ; 13/327 - Antonio ; 161OS178 - Conrad, RCI Ranger 2870 ; 40AT101 - ... 08:03pm/cfr/.525 ; 13AC/Mobil ;