YO233BSD, 233YO10, 233LR010, 233MW010, 233MEX010, 233CS010, 233KB010, 233TS010, 233OT010, 233UT010
Jul 31, 2013
327SD106 - Miran, Ptuj, 10:27utc/.595usb, TS340 10w/vertical Sirio ; 13CT009 - ... 11:02utc/.565usb ; 13LO266 - Walter, ... /.595usb ; 13JON01 - Jonas, Erfurt, Germany, 11:40utc/.595usb ;
233YO105 - Cipu, Romania
Avem de azi un nou indicativ activ din Prejmer BV : 233 YO 105 - Cipu .
Colegul nostru este pasionat de electronica, invata sa-si ia o licenta radio si a dorit sa-si schimbe vechiul lui indicativ 233 CI 05.
If you want to send him a QSL card you find his address in Call Book .
Good luck on DX 11m Band !
Jul 30, 2013
Jul 29, 2013
My radio CB dipole Antenna
E relativ simplu si usor de construit in regim de amator (home made). Are doua brate egale de 2x2.62 [m] din litza de antena de pe vremuri (bronz fosforos), izolatori ceramici la capete si mijloc, si este ancorat cu fir sintetic (coarda de racheta tenis). Cablul coaxial de alimentare este de 75 ohmi Made in Romania la Romcab (TCC2YYI)
Montajul se poate face inclinat la cca 45 grd ca in imagine, orizontal, inverted V (120 grd), sau vertical.
Punctul de alimentare are H=5 [m] deasupra solului (cca. L/2).
Rezultatele ? Tot ce-am lucrat anu' asta cu o statie Avanti Grande (Europa inclusiv UK, Irlanda, Suedia, Canare si America de Sud, Estul... mai greu caci am degajarea spre W )
Jul 28, 2013
13SD591 - Udo, 7:56utc/.595usb, President George /25w 3el Yagi ; 19FD420 / Mobile, 8:00utc/.595usb ; 19RF043 - Willem, 8:05utc/.595usb ; 19SD614 - Franco, 8:10utc/.595usb, FT950/300w, 4 elem Yagi ; 26DA026 - Russ, JO01OC, 8:16utc/.595usb / Icom 775, 2el ; 19PM01 - Marcel, 8:25utc/.595usb ; 54AT105 - Jack, 8:31utc/.595usb, 100w/4 elem Yagi Sirio ; 26DX044 - .... 9:04utc/.525usb ;18TRC-000 12:01utc/.530usb ; 1AT485 - Ricardo, 12:37utc/.665usb, "AT World Radio Meeting" ;
Jul 25, 2013
www.datasheets360.com is a new search engine for electronic datasheets
If you are looking for an electronic component then you must give a look to this site : http://www.datasheets360.com/
Datasheets360 is a comprehensive source for manufacturer datasheets and distributor pricing and availability information, searchable by partial and exact product numbers. By leveraging IHS CAPS Universe content with IHS GlobalSpec’s digital media platform, Datasheets360 provides purchasing, engineering, and technical professionals instant and free access to a massive database of millions of electronic component datasheets. Our datasheets come from over 600 suppliers in over 400 categories of active and passive electronic components, and all are available to view, print, and share in PDF format.
Using our proprietary search technology, Datasheets360 is engineered to quickly deliver highly relevant, unbiased, and trustworthy content. By entering a manufacturer’s part number, professionals can search and access one of the largest databases of its kind.
Built to facilitate product consideration and ultimately part procurement, the site represents an opportunity for manufacturers to build brand awareness and position themselves for design wins during a critical phase in the buy cycle, and for distributors to drive transactions. Companies advertising on Datasheets360 can dominate share of voice for specific parts or entire part categories via contextual ad units, and drive transaction-ready traffic to their site to buy products, or request samples.
Datasheets360 is a comprehensive source for manufacturer datasheets and distributor pricing and availability information, searchable by partial and exact product numbers. By leveraging IHS CAPS Universe content with IHS GlobalSpec’s digital media platform, Datasheets360 provides purchasing, engineering, and technical professionals instant and free access to a massive database of millions of electronic component datasheets. Our datasheets come from over 600 suppliers in over 400 categories of active and passive electronic components, and all are available to view, print, and share in PDF format.
Using our proprietary search technology, Datasheets360 is engineered to quickly deliver highly relevant, unbiased, and trustworthy content. By entering a manufacturer’s part number, professionals can search and access one of the largest databases of its kind.
Built to facilitate product consideration and ultimately part procurement, the site represents an opportunity for manufacturers to build brand awareness and position themselves for design wins during a critical phase in the buy cycle, and for distributors to drive transactions. Companies advertising on Datasheets360 can dominate share of voice for specific parts or entire part categories via contextual ad units, and drive transaction-ready traffic to their site to buy products, or request samples.
Jul 21, 2013
Nu sunt in forma pt DX-uri, asta-i clar ... dar numai asa mi-am mai "inecat necazu' "
18AT113 - Dimitri, Athena, 10:14utc/.575usb ; 13PW829 - Andi, 10:20utc/.517usb, Icom 758/ 4 el Yagi ; 14HF - CF62001, 10:30utc/.620usb ; 26OP254 - Lester, 11:00utc/.595usb, Icom 725 / Yagi ; 26AT030 - Mike, RX only on .595 ; 1AT148 / Mobile - Franco, 11:54utc/.590usb ;173TC001 - Michael, Reunion island, 13:18utc/.640usb, greu dar m-a auzit cu 233YO... ;
18AT113 - Dimitri, Athena, 10:14utc/.575usb ; 13PW829 - Andi, 10:20utc/.517usb, Icom 758/ 4 el Yagi ; 14HF - CF62001, 10:30utc/.620usb ; 26OP254 - Lester, 11:00utc/.595usb, Icom 725 / Yagi ; 26AT030 - Mike, RX only on .595 ; 1AT148 / Mobile - Franco, 11:54utc/.590usb ;173TC001 - Michael, Reunion island, 13:18utc/.640usb, greu dar m-a auzit cu 233YO... ;
Jul 20, 2013
+ Ing. Col(R) Matra Ilie - YO3BBW is Silent Key
Message fom SMS " ...Dupa un an de suferinta colegul si mentorul meu Ing.Col(R) Matra Ilie a murit astazi ... Cuvintele sunt mici in comparatie cu marimea omului. Dumnezeu sa il odihneasca ! Condoliante familiei. ..." from YO3DIG - Diaconu Cristian
Message from SMS "...Familia anunta ca va fi inmormantat miercuri la ora 11:00, in cimitirul militar Ghencea 3, str. Cooperativei Nr.9, sect. 5, Bucuresti. De astazi (Luni, 22.07.13) este depus la capela cimitirului." from YO3DIG
Message from SMS "...Familia anunta ca va fi inmormantat miercuri la ora 11:00, in cimitirul militar Ghencea 3, str. Cooperativei Nr.9, sect. 5, Bucuresti. De astazi (Luni, 22.07.13) este depus la capela cimitirului." from YO3DIG
1AT97 - ... .595usb/15:10utc ; 1CM360 - Alberto, Genova, Italy, .595usb, IC775 ; 1VC1145 - Masimo, Rimini, 15:33utc/.595usb, President Lincon/Mantova 5 ; Napoli - Salvatore ; George 14? ;1RGK326 - Antonio, Napoli, 16:12utc/.595usb, Connex ; 1AT1580 - Rafaele, Modica, Sicily, 16:20utc/.595usb, Icom 7100 / 5el. Yagi/800w ... nice, very nice signal 59++ ;
Jul 18, 2013
Home Made Triple Leg Antenna for 20m

Daca sunteti curiosi si vreti sa vedeti ce a lucrat colegul YO2MOO (ex 233SP150) in banda de 20m cu antena lui home made Triple Leg, puteti vedea LOG-ul lui on line aici la : www.qrz.com/YO2MOO
Jul 17, 2013
Jul 16, 2013
Triple Leg Antenna for 20m band
Antena din imaginea alaturata este facuta de colegul nostru YO2MOO - Petre din Hunedoara. Radiantul este din sirma de Cu 1,5mm prinsa pe o undita de pescuit din fibra de sticla, catargul de fixare e din teava si are cca. 7m inaltime fata de sol (ajungeau si numai 6m), contragreutatile radiale sunt si ele din Cu de 1,5mm, iar din imagine se vede ca au fost respectate unghiurile de 120 grd si 45 grd. Antena a fost gata in numai doua zile dupa ce-am stabilit impreuna ca merita o incercare ... a fost harnic Petre, si acum are un VSWR de 1:1,2 pe 14,200MHz.
Antena se poate face si pt CB11m band, e mica si nu necesita mult spatiu pt montaj.
Antena se poate face si pt CB11m band, e mica si nu necesita mult spatiu pt montaj.
Jul 15, 2013
Cumpar antena fixa CB
Cumpar antena second hand pentru CB cu trei radiali scurti si fara bobina tip Sigma Venom 5/8 Landa. Info la tel : 0726637255 - Petre, YO2MOO ; sau la tel.077890420 - Silvio, 233YO010 ;
Jul 14, 2013
Jul 13, 2013
328MIC024 - Igor, Zagreb, 08:04utc/CH1UK(.601.25)FM, Imax2000/7m high / 10w ; 1AT207 - Alberto, 08:15utc/CH1UK(.601.25)FM, Mantova 5 /15 m high/ Icom 756 /100w ; 1AT425 - Luca, (San Marino) 8:21utc/CH1UK(.601.25)FM ; 233YO175/Portable - Daniel, Ghelari,(Static Mobile), HD, 14:00utc,CH20/FM ;
( I was using this radio : TTI TCB 660 impruved by myself :-)/mik Albrecht Densei 2002 /KL203, ant. dipol, all my controls 5/9+20dB in FM quality...)
( I was using this radio : TTI TCB 660 impruved by myself :-)/mik Albrecht Densei 2002 /KL203, ant. dipol, all my controls 5/9+20dB in FM quality...)
Jul 12, 2013
Jul 11, 2013
Jul 8, 2013
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