Apr 7, 2015

Vertical CB antenna

This is a picture of the second home made vertical antenna ready to be use for the emergency radio CB network. Location is in Deva on high hill, but unfortunately not on the top, anyway it's a very good location, and the antenna works perfect with a swr 1:1 at low power 10w and only 1.3 at high power. From electrical point of view it is cut on L/2 and mechanical is fixed inside on a fiber glass fishing rod l=6m (19ft). Easy and cheap to do it, I say, but it use to types of coax cable 75 and 50 ohms, and 75 is a problem (hard to come by a good quality).
Now we have good nodes of network in : Deva, Hunedoara, Balata, Certej, Simeria, (Vetel, Orastie), and a few mobile stations.